Our hospitals provide services for cerebral hemorrhages, headaches, dizziness, cerebrovascular diseases, movement disorders, muscle and nerve diseases, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, stroke and sleep disorders, which are within the scope of our Neurology Departments. When necessary, studies are carried out in close cooperation with the Medical Imaging and Brain, Spinal Cord and Neurosurgery Departments of our hospitals.
Our hospitals provide services for cerebral hemorrhages, headaches, dizziness, cerebrovascular diseases, movement disorders, muscle and nerve diseases, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, stroke and sleep disorders, which are within the scope of our Neurology Departments. When necessary, studies are carried out in close cooperation with the Medical Imaging and Brain, Spinal Cord and Neurosurgery Departments of our hospitals.
- Cerebrovascular diseases
- Epilepsy
- Movement disorders
- Demyalising diseases
- Peripheral nerve diseases
- Muscle and neuromuscular junction diseases
- Baş boyun bel ağrıları
- Demansiyel sendromlar
- Sistemik ve metabolik nöroloji hastalıkları
- Omuriliğin travma dışı hastalıklar
- Konuşma bozuklukları
- Konuşma bozuklukları