Today, the field of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry is a branch of science whose scope, requirements and social activity are rapidly expanding all over the world and in our country, and which directly interacts with all biological, psychological and sociological disciplines in terms of social and individual aspects.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry is defined by the European Union of Medical Specialists as “the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of mental health problems in children under the age of 18 by a specialist physician using medical methods, standards and approaches”.
In our Department of Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases, treatment services are provided to children and adolescents between the ages of 0-18 by applying individual psychotherapy, family therapy, medication and psychometric evaluations.
If your child between the ages of 0-18 has an emotional or behavioral symptom that may negatively affect his/her daily life, mental and physical development, school success and relationships with other people, you can consult a Child Psychiatrist.
In addition, attention, development and intelligence tests are conducted by a psychologist in our unit. Tests administered in our department: